Online since 2002. The most comprehensive site for all around twisty puzzles with 12592 puzzles, 5276 members and 421150 posts to 38395 topics.

Contribute Information
There are a number of ways to contribute information. Which ever method you choose, your contributions will be proofed before being inserted into the online version of the site. This is a security measure in place to prevent accidental or intentional deleting or overwriting of data. This process may take a few days.

This site wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for the work of puzzle fans like yourself. As a little way of thanking you for your work, your name (if you so choose) will appear on each page you've contributed to.


Add a New Museum Item
To do this, click the above link and fill out the form. Each new entry must have at least one picture. Any other information or pictures you can provide will definitely be helpful in completing the entry, so please don't leave anything out!

Edit an Existing Museum Item
If you'd like to edit the contents of a museum item (title, descriptions, etc), first find the museum item by browsing through the site, then click on one of the links in the 'Contributors' section at the bottom of the museum item page.

Submit Pictures
Whether it's because you are adding a whole new museum item, or just adding a new picture to an existing museum item, e-mail your picture (along with a caption if possible) by clicking on the link above. In the case of adding a picture to an existing museum item, please include the title or page URL so it can be matched up quickly and correctly.

If you happen to know a little about graphics applications, and would like to submit your new images in the right format (to save me some time, and to expedite your update), check out this article.

Add a Link
To do this, click the above link and fill out the form. Using the form, you will be able to specify if it should appear on the museum item page (and for which items), or on the site links page.

Edit a Link
Click the 'edit' link beside the link you would like to edit, and make your changes in the form that appears.

Add an Article
Currently there is only one way: please send an email to the Administrator with links, files or other details for a new article. Articles can refer to internal forum posts, dedicated article files or references to external sites.

For the future it is intended to use an 'Add Article' link to add a new article for publication.


Add Solutions
Currently there is only one way: please send an email to the Administrator with links, files or other details for a new puzzle solution.

For the future it is intended to use an 'Add Solution' link to add a new article for publication.


Add a Recent Sale Price
With your help, can track sale prices for every item in the database. To contribute data to this system, simply click the 'add a recent sale price' button at the bottom of any of the item pages.

Edit a Sale Price
Click the 'edit' link beside the price you would like to edit, and make your changes in the form that appears. Click the 'edit' link beside the link you would like to edit, and make your changes in the form that appears.

Maintain the Database
This option is here for authorized users to maintain the live database online. It links to a super cool, and super fast way to overview new additions to the site, then quickly add them to the online database.
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