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Super Head Kyubu
LargeImage #12038
Above: In original package
SmallImage #12038-01 SmallImage #12038-02 SmallImage #12038-03 SmallImage #12038-04 SmallImage #12038-05
Click a thumbnail to see its larger version and description.

Another japanese 3x3x3, presumably a knockoff.

  • Inventor : ErnÅ‘ Rubik
  • Mechanism : 3x3x3
  • Patents : Unknown
  • Producer : Unknown
  • Year : Unknown
  • Original Price : Unknown USD
  • Average Price : Unknown USD

This is one of the many 3x3x3s that were produced in japan during the original cube craze. It replicates not only the cube but also the cylindrical package known from the ITC cubes of that time. As with many japanese knockoffs it bears a strange name.



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