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Rocket in Jurassic Park - Crazy
LargeImage #12262
Above: Solution 1
SmallImage #12262-01 SmallImage #12262-02 SmallImage #12262-03 SmallImage #12262-04 SmallImage #12262-05 SmallImage #12262-06 SmallImage #12262-07 SmallImage #12262-08
Click a thumbnail to see its larger version and description.

A variant of Rocket in Jurassic Park-Normal that introduces the concept of crazy 0,1 in the 2D world.

The inventor presented this with the Normal-variant, see the seperate entry. He wanted to introduce the concept of Crazy Plus variants that exists in some crazy puzzles. One side turns the circles on the front and the back of the puzzle simultanously. The other circle is split in two sides. So the puzzle allows actually three different turns.
Printed in PETG plastic
Circle diameter: 60 mm
Thickness: 10 mm
Weights: 80 grams



Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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