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Caterpillars 2D
LargeImage #12522
Above: Front view
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A 2D "Ghost Elite" puzzle, member of the Butterflies family.

Caterpillars can be considered a new member of the family of Butterflies puzzles, but quite modified.
Perhaps the most striking change is the absence of plungers (no matter whether arcs or complete circles), its mechanism is only made up of circles that intersect.
Another important change is that the three inner circles that make it up do intersect.
It has 6 axes, of which the 3 outer ones only serve for the moving pieces to act as switches.
The other 3, in addition to that role of acting to switch, also allow moving the pieces in steps of 60º.
Lastly, and perhaps the most curious innovation, with the appropriate position of the switches on each of the inner axes, a third concentric circle can appear (only one at a time), hence it could be said that it is a 2D "Ghost Elite" puzzle, because of the appearance/disappearance of the third circle and the 3 depths of cut available on the axis.
There are also 2 levels of difficulty in the game, with different stickers on the front and back side.
The Caterpillars shown on the back side gave the model its name.
Printed in PETG plastic
Thickness: 10 mm
Diameter of circle: 37 mm
Weight: 71 grams

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Thank you to the following people for their assistance in helping collect the information on this page: francisco bedmar alvarez.


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