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Ghost Distorted Redi Cube
LargeImage #12543
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The ghosted cousin of the Distorted Redi Cube

Only days after the inventor presented the Distorted Redi Cube (see the seperate entry), the inventor designed a ghosted variant of it.
One of the feature of ghost puzzles is a "finalizing" sequence of midturns between "mechanically solved" and "shape solved" states. In regular puzzles the finalizing sequence can consist only of independent turns. For example in the Ghost 3x3x3 one can make only two finalizing (independent) turns after the first turn all dependent faces are blocked. In a jumpling only puzzle like the Distorted Redi Cube one can make midturns which block only some other turns, but don't block others. It allows to make a long finalizing sequence. And this fact make the puzzle harder, because one needs to make a lot of adjusting moves even before making simple commutator.
As usual for Ghost puzzles it is stickered with uniform colours.

Its greater than the Distorted Redi Cube because the designer shifted the axes and some screws now are placed near face centers, not in corners where is a lot of place.
Edge length: 54 mm

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