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How to Build a Master Magic or a Super Master Magic
The image on the right was sent to me by Juozas. It was printed on the back of a Rubik's Magic that he bought which was manufactured in China. It shows a 16 tile version of the Rubik's magic (Super Master Magic). So there you go, I didn't think of it first. It may be in production somewhere. Click here for a more detailed image.

You can build your own. These days, there are three ways to make your own:

  1. Use the pieces from the Rubik's Magic Stategy Game (you might find one on
  2. Cast your pieces from a single tile out of a broken Rubik's Magic.
  3. Order two magic kits from

The cardboard version.
Warning! It has been brought to my attention that only early versions of the game had plastic magic tiles. Later editions were simply cardboard squares! Be careful if buying one on eBay and always ask the seller first! Thanks to Jake for scanning the pic for me.

Once you have your pieces, you need to string it up. The following diagrams will show you how. If you are having trouble with the stringing technique, has a downloadable video to show you how.

Adding the Strings

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 1 of 8:

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 2 of 8:

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 3 of 8:

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 4 of 8:

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 5 of 8:

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 6 of 8:

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 7 of 8:

8x2 Super Master Magic, string 8 of 8:

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